Upcoming Events
Presentation of the Institute of Metals in Biology of Grenoble.

Objectives of the Federation
An institute without a wall, the Institut des Métaux en Biologie (IMBG) is defined as a thematic research network, bringing together a large community of Grenoble researchers and teacher-researchers whose common point is a scientific project: Chemistry and Biology metals in living systems. This rapidly developing theme represents a vast field of investigation since more than a third of the proteins in a cell require the fixation of a metal ion for essential functions such as respiration, photosynthesis, the biosynthesis of metallo enzymes or the DNA repair. These systems are for the researchers of the IMBG a source of studies but also of bioinspiration which is in full swing.
More precisely, the IMBG is part of three main areas of research:
- metalloenzymes and model chemical systems (catalysis),
- toxic metals and metal pollutants, toxicology and bioremediation (environment),
- metals, metabolism and nutrition (health).
The IMBG now has more than 200 members, including around forty doctoral students from 11 laboratories in 23 teams located on the three Grenoble sites of the University of Grenoble Alpes (DCM, LBFA, ISTerre, LTHE, GIN), the CHU of Grenoble (IBP, IAB) and the Scientific Polygon (ESRF, IBS, LCBM, LPCV, SyMMES).
The IMBG brings together forces of the highest scientific quality and hosts collaborative projects at the chemistry / biology, physics / biology or chemistry / physics interfaces. The strength of the IMBG lies in the voluntary adherence of its members to a common scientific theme instead of being the association of research units. Its primary ambition for nearly 20 years has been to strengthen the visibility of this scientific community at national and international level.
The activities of the Institute are divided into three components:
- scientific activities in the Grenoble area to bring together and unite the scientific community working around metals.
- training young scientists, using two tools: the “Annual IMBG Days” and the establishment of thematic schools alongside the biannual IMBG International Congresses. The program of these thematic schools includes theoretical courses and practical lessons given by international, national or Grenoble guests in a Gordon conference format.
- the contribution to the visibility "outside the hexagon" of the University by the organization of international congresses. To date more than 12 congresses have been organized (see site).


Member of the steering committee

Member of the steering committee

Member of the steering committee

Geraldine Sarret
Member of the steering committee

Member of the steering committee

Member of the steering committee

Membre du comité de pilotage

Membre du comité de pilotage